My name is, Maia
and this is my message,
“When I started
preschool I needed help to reach things what were up high and to learn how to
print my letters. Now I can read and write most of the letters and count to 200
but I am still working on how to write those, ‘2’s’!”
“At school I
loved learning about community helpers and dinosaurs. Learning to sing the “Dinosaur
Stomp Song” was my favorite! It's so cool!”
Maia is five years old and is off to Kindergarten in the Fall. She is helping us raise awareness of the importance of early learning in our community. Here we share more of her message through the eyes of her parents and teachers.
According to ECMap data, only 41.9% of Kindergarten children in Brooks & Newell County are developing appropriately in all 5 of the developmental domains! To put it in perspective, if your child is to enter Kindergarten next year, joining a class of 22 peers, only 9 of them would be considered to be developing appropriately. The challenges this brings to the classroom are many and varied. We can change these statistics by getting more children into early childhood programs before they go to Kindergarten!! To learn more about the developmental domains I urge you to visit the ECMap Coalition website.
“The biggest
changes we have seen in Maia since starting school are in her abilities with,
and interest in, letters and numbers. She is excited about learning and wants
to read and write. She will just sit with her little notebook and practice
printing letters and asking me how to spell words. She has also developed many
friendships and has learned the social skills necessary to be part of a group
or class. I know this will help her transition into Kindergarten next year.”
“I would
recommend preschool to other parents because it really helps children learn how
to learn and have fun while doing it! It
is amazing how quickly their world expands as they are exposed to so many new
ideas and people. “
“I am so proud of
Maia because she tries so hard and is so determined to stick with things until
she masters them. I believe this is partly due to the supportive and
enthusiastic teachers!” – Tara & Kent (Maia’s Parents)
Some goals we are continuing to focus on are recognizing and
creating patterns using shapes and colors; both will prepare Maia for further
development of her early numeracy skills in Kindergarten this fall.” – Marsha
Blake (Maia’s Teacher)
ECMap data indicates 70.1% of
Kindergarten children in Brooks-County of Newell are developing Language &
Thinking Skills, in an age appropriate manner.
“ Maia is an example of a Pre-school child who is developing age
appropriate skills in this developmental domain, which are appropriate for a
child entering Kindergarten. Is it all
right that 29.9% of our Kindergarten children are not ready to enter
Kindergarten? We don't think so! We
think as a community of caring people we can do a better job of providing our
children with the learning foundations for success in Kindergarten and the
grades that follow!” – Jody Rutherford (Director of Education & Programming
at BELA)
There are so many programs available to parents in the City and
County. Programs created and facilitated by people who have devoted their
careers to the development of our littlest learners! We know that the critical
years for early learning are birth to age 8 and there are programs and
resources available to match your needs at every one of those ages. From
Parents As Teachers, to SPEC programs, all the way through preschool and
beyond. If you are unsure of what programs would best support your family,
please feel free to contact us or any of the programs mentioned here and we
will help find the right fit for your child!
Brooks &
County Immigration Services
Brooks Early
Learning Academy
Brooks Preschool
Duchess Preschool
Parents As
Intervention Offices
403.362.8729 ext
SPEC Parent Link
We believe in working together to support as many families as we
possibly can! Help us to help the children of our communities be the best they
can be!
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