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Saturday, November 30, 2013

"I Did It!" - A post from Jody Rutherford, Director of Education

“ I did it! I did it! Look how I drawed myself!”
“That’s awesome! I see your eyes, and nose and mouth, and look at the shirt you’re wearing.  Way to go!  I’m proud of you for working so hard!”   

Is there anything better than sharing the excitement of a child who has discovered success as a learner?  Most Early Childhood researchers and educators agree, “Play is the work of children.”

Research in the field of early learning in Canada, is frequently supported by the experiences of Australian and New Zealand researchers.  A 2010 publication Making the most of Childhood: the importance of the early years, quotes the organization “Zero to Three” booklet Getting Ready for School Begins at Birth,  “one of the most important things children learn in the early years is about themselves – that is, they develop a picture of themselves that affects the ways they approach any situation, task, or relationship with another person.  In other words, they develop a self concept.  An important part of that self concepts is the picture they have of themselves as learners: is it okay to be curious, to explore, to ask questions, to tackle problems, to try to figure things out, to experiment? Is it okay to try something and fail? Being a good learner means having a go, seeing yourself as capable, and taking reasonable risks.” (p.2 Getting Ready for School Begins at Birth, Zero to Three).

Our role, as parents, grandparents, early learning professionals and para-professionals, is to facilitate and encourage the development of this concept and a belief in oneself as a learner in these critical early learning years.  As we develop positive, caring relationships, which provide learning opportunities, and support children as they learn, we are laying the foundation for later learning success, and success in life.  The best, and most powerful learning children do, is by copying what people around them do.  Little eyes are watching, and little ears are listening! If the adults in their lives model the importance of their own learning, little learners will come to understand that learning is important, and enjoyable.  When that happens, we will have done our jobs!

- JR

Monday, November 25, 2013

Teaching Team....

Today a little bit about our Mrs. R. Her background and interest in Education & Psychology made her a perfect fit for BELA. Creative & nurturing, Mrs. R completes our team! Learn more by reading her full BIO.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Teaching Team cont.....

Mrs. M....... How lucky we are to have her as a part of our team! Her experience, her education and her compassion are just a few of the things that make her so valued here at BELA. Read her BIO to learn all about Mrs. M and her background, including over 16 years of experience working with children in our community!

Monday, November 18, 2013

ECD Coalition

Jody, our Director of Eduction & Programming is a member of the Brooks & County of Newell ECD Coalition. The Coalition promotes early childhood development with communities, services and families to understand and respond to early childhood development about the ECD Coalition here and learn more about the important work that they do.

Teaching Team.....

Today I want to share a little bit about what makes our, Miss S so special! She's a Mount Royal University grad and her enthusiasm gives our team and her students an energy boost!! Read her full BIO and get to  know Miss S better!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Teaching Team.......

Today....Mrs P! I can't say enough about how fortunate we are to have her on our team. An assistant in Miss. S's room, she offers vital support to our students. Her extensive background in Education and Psychology allow her to also support the team, as we are all learning from her everyday. Read her BIO to learn more about what makes Mrs P so special and why we feel so blessed to have her!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Teaching Team

I don't get to spend as much time with the teaching team at BELA as I would like to, that's not my role. When I do get the opportunity to work with them I always leave feeling humbled and motivated. Humbled by the level of experience and expertise of the team we have put together and motivated to share their passion for eduction with others. That motivation is what led me here. To a platform that lets others in, on a more in-depth level than  platforms we have used in the past. To let others into our environment at BELA, into our everyday life here,  into the minds of the team that teaches our students  and of course a glimpse into the heads & hearts of our students and the little (and BIG) things they do that make for some beautiful days at BELA! Over the next few posts I plan to share more information about the talented people that make up our team. I hope you will take the time to get to know them too!

Lets talk about Mrs. C...... an assistant in our classes and so crucial to daily success with our students. Did you know that Mrs. C  holds a Degree in Education with a focus on Psychology? Click here to read her full BIO  and see just why we value Mrs. C so much!!