One thing we heard from our focus group was
that they weren’t sure “where” their child should be at, developmentally. They
also expressed that in their past experiences at preschools, that they
sometimes didn’t have a clear understanding of what their child was learning at
school and how they were learning it!
Parents also mentioned that they felt they didn’t have much interaction with
their child’s teacher. Further, the
parents asked, “How will we know what to
work on at home or what areas we should be focusing on?” and “ How will I know
if my child is ready for Kindergarten?”
The focus group result was that 74% of parents indicated that a “variety of communication methods,
including: in person and written formats throughout the year to update parents
on student progress.” was very important to them. 82% of parents also
rated the following as very important “Time to meet with teachers (specified
times, feedback, emails) particularly for working parents,”
Communication is of the utmost importance to
us and we strive to communicate often and in different ways. The focus group
data sharpened our focus on communication and led us to create three specific
experiences for our parents.
Twice per year we invite our parents and
students to take part in Family learning Celebrations. On
these evenings our excited little students get to show their families what they
have been learning and teach them about their daily routines at BELA. It is a
time for parents to watch, listen and learn as their child “teaches” them! The children have a chance to share their Learning
Portfolios with their parents.
This collection of work samples, collected over time, allows parents to
gain information about their child’s developing skills and knowledge. Parents
also have a chance to look through the class Science & Math Journals and
see photos and descriptions of what our students have been learning. It is so
much fun and we always look forward to these evenings.
We hope you enjoy
these experiences, as they were specifically developed for you and for your
BELA student.
Our door is always
open. If you have concerns or questions about your child’s learning or about
our practices at BELA, please come and see us. Thank you for communicating with
us and being open to the information we are providing!
- CP